On Sept. 1 Kent Sharman and his two boys, Casey and Eric joined us on the boat. Sunday morning we traveled to Friday Harbor on San Juan Island and sent them to town for a few hours. We had anchored just outside the ferry landing, so it was fun watching them come and go. Since it was a holiday weekend there was a lot of boat traffic. When they came back I had Casey go up the mast to take a couple of lines down that were not need since we were not going off shore anytime soon. The next morning (monday) we had a short trip to Stuart Island only about 12 miles but it took some time as we sailed backward. The wind was light and coming from the stern so up went the asymmetrical spinnaker. It did stay filled most of the time but the wind was so light and the tide was against us, we ended up sailing backward. Down came the sails and on with the engine. We made it to Stuart Island in time for the Sharmans to hike out to the light house and back a 6 mile round trip. They also pickup a T-shirt for Susan. On Tuesday we were able to sail a good part of the way around Stuart Island down the side of San Juan Island and over to Alec Bay at the southern tip of Lopez Island to make a quick trip back to Port Townsend in the morning. We all had a great time, listening to stories and eating great food. The Sharmans can cook, ie: baked pears, grilled asparagus, home made pie.