Today we decided to stay in Windy Bay, and enjoy a day off. We still have the whole area to ourselves, not a boat insight, no buildings just forest and cliffs. We took the dinghy out for a ride and about 30 minutes into the ride it started to rain and the wind came up. We made it back to the boat safely, and loaded up the dinghy on the foredeck. The wind continued to blow hard in a direction that if the anchor failed (dragged) we would in up on the rocks (lee shore). So, Susan and I weighed anchor and moved about 1/2 mile up the bay and away from any rocks. We saw one flash of lighting and have heard a few thunders. The weather is supposed to get better by noon tomorrow. As I write this the wind is blowing 15 knots and the temperature is 60 degrees. We had lasagna for dinner tonight, watched a movie and played Yahtzee.
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Susan enjoying the day |
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