We left Coasta Baja Marina in La Paz on Thursday for a quick shake down cruise. It was so nice to finally get back on the water even if we did not sail. All systems worked well including the water maker that we had not been able to test yet. The one problem that did show up was the engine alternator was not making any power. We are able to charge the batteries with the generator or solar or wind generator so I was not too worried but it is nice to have everything working. Will have to see about this later when we get back to La Paz.
Best output from the water maker yet |
Isla Espíritu Santo |
Isla Partida |
Isla Partida |
At Anchor |
Changing the Prop |
Susan relaxing |
After spending three days at Isla Partida, Ensenada Grande North, we moved to Isla Espíritu Santo, Ensenada de la Raza. The first day out was very nice temps in the mid 70's, wind 5-10 kits. After having such nice weather for one day the winds came up and blew in the mid to high 20 knts. This made the anchorages very rough and uncomfortable. Sleeping was difficult. I had the anchor watch alarm on at all times, even while trying to sleep. I can look at the iPad display and see if we are dragging our anchor (we never did). Isla Espíritu Santo was not any better. On monday we made it back to Coasta Baja Marina. Where we reprovisioned, changed the alternator, put dol-fin fin on the outboard, and rested. Tomorrow we plan to leave the marina and travel up to Isla San Fransisco, about a 7 hour trip.
Anchor snubber twisted around the anchor chain |
Isla Espíritu Santo |
So I noticed that the alternator was not charging the batteries on our trip out to the Islands. I checked all the connections and fuses I could find but did not see any problems. I do have a spare alternator on board but I have never changed one before, so I was not looking forward to this project. After about 2 hours of messing around with the old and the new, Susan turned on the main engine while I looked for sparks or smoke, yeah there was none! The voltage meter showed the new alternator was making power (yeah). I will be checking on it tomorrow during our trip, just to make sure nothing comes loose or starts to smoke!!!!!
Old alternator |
New alternator |
We were able to take the shuttle bus into town to resupply some groceries. The grocery store "The Brown Cow" is only a few blocks from the bus stop, which is at the Cathedral seen below. We were able to get groceries, eat lunch and make it back to the bus stop in time for the shuttle bus to pick us back up and go to the Marina.
Downtown La Paz |
Frente Catedral downtown La Paz |
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