Time for cleaning and other projects this morning as we wait for the right time to leave which comes at 11:45. We head out the same way we came in yesterday, weaving between the islets and rocks. Cruising past the Hole in the Wall, we head NW in the Okisollo Channel. We're timing are arrival to the upper and lower rapids for slack tide. Very excited as always at sighting a school of dolphins as they jump out of the water and swim under the boat. We have a short distance to go in Discovery Passage before turning NE into Nodales Channel. Our destination is Cameleon Harbour. We drop anchor at 14:35 in Handfield Bay on what feels like rocky bottom. The sky looks a little threatening and there are a few sprinkles. We get the hammock out again, and hang it from the whisker pole which works well. We opt for a quiet afternoon and evening on the boat rather than launching the dinghy. It's fun to watch the boats come in and anchor. Tonight we get a Yawl with school children. Todays stats: sea temp 54, outside temp 65, engine hours 3.2, nautical miles 18.4, total trip miles 287.9, GPS coordinates 50.20.888N/125.18.908W.
Hole-in-the-Wall |
Susan Relaxing |
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